
DecentraScan Roadmap 2024-2025

Q2 2024: Planning and Initial Development

  • Project Kickoff: Formulate the project team and establish the vision and goals for DecentraScan.

  • Requirements Gathering: Identify key features and functionalities needed for the AI-based scanning and auditing tool.

  • Technical Research: Investigate existing AI technologies and tools suitable for contract scanning and auditing.

  • Blockchain Integration: Outline integration points with the Ethereum blockchain, focusing on how to access and analyze smart contracts.

  • Proof of Concept (PoC): Develop a PoC to demonstrate the feasibility of using AI to scan and audit Ethereum contracts.

  • Initial Funding: Secure initial funding and resources for project development.

Q3 2024: Development and Testing

  • AI Model Development: Train and fine-tune AI models for smart contract analysis, focusing on security vulnerabilities, compliance, and optimization.

  • Integration Development: Build the integration layer to fetch contracts from the Ethereum blockchain.

  • User Interface (UI) Design: Design a user-friendly interface for interacting with the DecentraScan tool.

  • Alpha Testing: Launch an alpha version of DecentraScan with a limited set of users for initial feedback.

  • Security Audits: Conduct internal security audits of the tool to ensure it meets industry standards.

  • Community Engagement: Start building a community around DecentraScan, engaging with potential users and stakeholders.

Q4 2024: Beta Launch and Enhancements

  • Beta Release: Release the beta version of DecentraScan to a wider audience, incorporating feedback from alpha testing.

  • Feature Enhancements: Implement additional features based on user feedback, such as advanced analytics, detailed reporting, and customizable scans.

  • Performance Optimization: Optimize the performance of the AI models and the overall system to handle large volumes of contract data.

  • Partnerships: Establish partnerships with blockchain projects, security firms, and auditing companies to enhance the tool's credibility and reach.

  • Documentation: Provide comprehensive documentation for users, including how-to guides, FAQs, and API documentation for developers.

Q1 2025: Scaling

  • Marketing Campaign: Launch a marketing campaign to raise awareness and attract users to the platform.

  • User Support: Set up a support system to assist users with any issues or questions they may have.

  • Continuous Improvement: Implement a feedback loop to continuously improve the tool based on user input and emerging threats.

  • Scaling Infrastructure: Scale the underlying infrastructure to support a growing user base and increased contract scanning volume.

  • Future Planning: Begin planning for future features and expansions, such as multi-chain support and more advanced AI capabilities.

Last updated